日期:2022-03-10 浏览

  如果叫你加班,你有什么看法? 小编:晓荧 224阅读 2020.03.28 如果是工作需要或者是自己没有完成当天的任务,那么是可以选择加班的。但同时,我会努力提升工作效率,减少不必要的加班。

  面试产品设计英文自我介绍 小编:海玉 491阅读 2020.06.01 范文一:
My name is XXX. I have a strong ability of hand drawing, and I have a high pursuit and understanding of beauty and design. However, if I have an impulse with leaders, I will focus on the overall situation, coordinate and communicate with them, and achieve the desired effect in leaders mind after understanding. Because of the good expression ability can manage the design team, teach and guide the novice artists.
I am proficient in computer basic operation; master CAD, Tianzheng, 3D, Photoshop, Lightscape and other drawing software; familiar with word, Excel and other office software. In addition, the individual can bear hardships and stand hard work, be steadfast and steady, have excellent character and learning, be honest and trustworthy, have no illegal and disciplinary behaviors, be healthy and active in thinking, have strong learning and innovation ability, be optimistic and enterprising, be good at communication, and have good team spirit.
I entered XXX college in 2011 to study industrial design. In school, I try my best to learn the professional knowledge; while mastering the basic theoretical knowledge of this major, I also pay special attention to the combination of theoretical knowledge and practice, and strive to cultivate my own hands-on ability.
I can skillfully operate various design software such as core, PS, AI, etc., have a good understanding of plane performance, and have successful works; I can design plane drawings and make effect drawings according to customer needs and planning schemes. In the process of drawing design, communicate and coordinate with customers and planners at any time; after the design is completed, communicate with the production and completion personnel to assist in the production and completion.

  人事专员笔试填空题15例 小编:晓荧 177阅读 2020.03.09

1、工作轮班制的主要组织形式有( )、( )、( )。


2、在绩效管理的准备阶段,绩效管理人员应完成的工作有( )、( )、( )、( )。


3、劳动争议处理制度中的调解是劳动关系当事人的一种自我管理形式。其基本特点包括( )、( )、( )。


4、人员甄选录用计划的内容主要包括( )、 ( )、( )、( )。


5、不属于内部招聘方法的是( )。


6、员工发生工伤事故应在( )小时内报社保局和单位。


7、社会保险是国家立法保障劳动者在年老、( )、生育、( )死亡等原因永久或暂时丧失劳动能力或失业,本人或家属丧失生活来源时,从国家和社会获得物质帮助( )的一种社会保障制度。


8、男年满( )周岁,女年满( )周岁,女国家干部年满55周岁,须办理退休。


9、食堂从业人员每年进行( )次健康检查,每( )年参加一次卫生知识培训,取得健康证明和卫生知识培训合格证明后持证上岗。


10、依《劳动法》规定:(一)安排劳动者延长工作时间的,支付不低于工资的( )%的工资报酬;(二)休息日安排劳动者工作又不能安排补休的,支付不低于工资的( )%的工资报酬;(三)法定休假日安排劳动者工作的,支付不低于工资的( )%百的工资报酬。


11、依据消防安全规定公司内人员疏散走道应根据疏散人数经计算确定,但最小净宽度不小于( )米(M)。消防车道的净宽度和净高度均不应小于( )米(M)。


12、编制笔试题目应遵循( )、( )、( )、( )。


13、人员甄选录用计划的内容主要包括( )、( )、( )、( )。


14、根据人员来源渠道不同,招聘分为( )、( )2种。


15、招聘的基本原则是( )、( )、( )、( )。