行政专员笔试判断题15例 小编:晓荧 122阅读 2020.03.13
1.办公室环境布置的目的之一是为了建立挡驾制度。( ∨ )
2.办公室的灯光照明要避开自然光,最好用人工灯光。( × )
3.在阳光明亮的教室和会议室内使用投影机,效果不受影响。( × )
4.没有两位办公室人员一天的工作内容是完全相同的,但像核对文员的日志与上司的日志的事项是否一致则是典型的工作。( ∨ )
5.文员第一次做一项工作时应该快一些,如果错误可以再做一遍。( × )
6.善于合作指每一个文秘人员都要谦虚、谨慎,对同事尊重和理解,即不能违反同事的意愿。( × )
7.文员对支票管理要谨慎,支票簿与印章应该一同锁入抽屉。( × )
8.文秘人员对上司支票往来管理要谨慎小心,支票簿与印章应该一起收藏,以避免被盗用冒领。( × )
9.文员传达上司信息时,可以把上司的话语加多或减少,以个人的口吻来转达。( × )
10.文员代替上司传达不利消息时,因为当这个信差很困难,所以要拖到最后一刻行动。因为上司震怒,自己转达口信的语气也应该变成上司的语气。( × )
11.如果文员要找的人是一位比上司地位高的人或尊长,你跟对方的文员说完之后就应该叫上司接过电话,告诉上司要找的人马上就会来听电话,让上司直接与对方通话。( ∨ )
12.文员对报纸和杂志的处理,可以挑出上司喜欢的报纸和杂志放在他的办公桌上,其他的放在报刊架上供大家阅读。( ∨ )
13.文员应避免不必要的通信和邮寄,尽可能频繁的联系集中起来分批进行。( ∨ ) 14.文员在工作时间如需要补妆,应随时随地进行。( × )
15.文员在工作时间如需要补妆,应该去洗手间。( ∨ )
销售代表面试自我介绍 小编:晓荧 172阅读 2020.04.09 范文一:
我是来自xx大学xx专业的,我应聘的销售职位,对销售有着浓厚的兴趣,曾经在一家xxx公司工作一年,让我对xxx的操作流程,掌握了一定知识与销售技巧。同时我认为,营销也是一种服务。既然是一种服务, 就应该做到让大家满意,用热情和真心去做。
面试保安英文自我介绍 小编:思敏 854阅读 2020.03.10 Today, Im here to interview the security guard. At the same time, I can show myself to you through this interview. I hope you can remember me. Here is my basic information.
My name is XXX, XX year old, XX nationality, XX graduated. Usually I like reading books and browsing information on the Internet. I am lively and cheerful, can care about people and things around me, get along well with relatives and friends, can understand and forgive, and I am full of confidence in life. I used to work in XX and have worked in different positions in the company. I started to work in XX. Then I went to XX because of the companys needs. I had some social practice experience and made some achievements in my work. At the same time, I was recognized by the company.
I have learned a lot of knowledge through several years work, at the same time, I have cultivated my indomitable will and indomitable fighting spirit. It is a strong desire for me to constantly overcome difficulties and actively join the ranks of civil servants in my work. At the same time, I realize that the relationship between people and work is based on self-awareness, and I feel my work I love my work, but everyone is constantly seeking to achieve better results
I believe that I can get exercise and development opportunities in the work of security. The work of security seems to be ordinary, but in fact it is very honing. From the ordinary understanding of resident personnel and the sensitivity to security risks, as well as the understanding of many potential crises, etc., it is much faster than ordinary people.
Therefore, this position can let me fully realize my ability and value, which is worth my time and effort!