日期:2022-03-03 浏览

  化妆助理面试英文自我介绍 小编:海玉 127阅读 2020.03.17 范文一:

   Hello, my name is XXX. I am applying for the position of makeup assistant. I am confident that I can meet the requirements of your company!
I have 2 years of practical studio work experience. I mainly cooperate with the makeup artist in every step of receiving customers, assist the makeup artist in the makeup work, and master the basic operation mode of the makeup technology. I have a good service attitude, and have been praised many times by the companys leaders and greatly welcomed by customers. I love the cosmetics industry, good sense of service, flexible mind, energetic, can bear hardships and stand hard work. I believe I have a high level of professionalism, curiosity and open thinking, creative and excellent interpersonal communication skills, and sensitive to new consumption and cultural trends.
Im willing to work hard for this. I hope you can give me a chance to keep learning and progress and realize self-worth in the process of growing up with XXX. Thank you!

   Hello, my name is XXX, Im practical and professional, with keen observation. Be able to work well with the team and do well in all aspects of work from the perspective of overall interests. Have a positive working attitude, willing and able to work diligently without supervision. I graduated from xxx school, majoring in beauty. I have a strong understanding and learning ability of color and make-up. During my study in University, I continuously participated in the practical work of beauty and make-up. A large number of learning and practice strengthened my confidence and determination to engage in the cause of make-up. From this years x-month to x-month, I studied in XXX beauty and makeup school for the course of makeup modeling design, and achieved excellent results in school. I hope you can give me a chance, thank you!

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  ①职位目标与教育背景以及工作经验符合。时序型的的个人简历主要体现就是个人的成就,能够按照时间来的在个人简历中也就是工作经历,以及教育背景。你所求职的目标所要求的教育背景以及工作经验,正好适合,则就适合这种类型的个人简历, 通过时序型个人简历可以更好的突出自身优势。



  公关助理笔试选择题10例 小编:晓荧 191阅读 2020.04.01 1、目前,我国较为盛行的公关人员应急培养方式是( )
A.公关培训班 B.函授教育 C.大专培训班 D.见习培训
2、最早把复杂的行政要素归纳为组织原理、人事行政、财务行政、行政法规四大部分的行政学著作是( )
A.《行政学研究》 B.《行政学导论》 C.《政治与行政》 D.《科学管理》
3、从社会认同的的角度来看,( )文化中的人更易于从他人所处的群体来判断他人。
A.个人主义 B.集体主义 C.资本主义 D.社会主义
4、下列消费者市场细分变量中,属于人口变量的是( )。
A.消费者的职业 B.消费者的生活方式 C.消费者的个性 D.消费者所追求的利益
5、某文具厂去年文具销售收入为3 000 000元,销售折扣和折让为200 000元,年平均资产占用额为140 000元,则该企业的资产周转率为( )。
A.15次 B.20次 C.21.4次 D.25次
6、一个快餐公司的某些特许专卖店可能指控其他专卖店用料不实、分量不足、服务低劣,损害公众对该快餐公司的总体印象。这种情形是( )。
A.水平渠道竞争 B.垂直渠道竞争 C.水平渠道冲突 D.垂直渠道冲突
7、意大利、西班牙和东欧等国的零售业可称之为( )
A.发达型零售 B.结构化零售 C.中间型零售 D.传统零售
8、广告策划的基础是( )
A.市场调查 B.广告定位 C.广告创意 D.广告效果测定
9、( )的基本战略目标,是寻求导致更大盈利能力的市场占有率的提高。
A.市场领导者企业 B.市场挑战者企业 C.市场追随者企业 D.市场后起者企业
10、工商行政管理法律关系区别于一般民事关系的重要特点是( )