日期:2022-02-04 浏览

  社保按试用期工资还是正式工资交 小编:啊南 455阅读 2021.03.03 社保按试用期工资还是正式工资交



   第五十九条 县级以上人民政府加强社会保险费的征收工作。


   《中华人民共和国社会保险法》第六十条 用人单位应当自行申报、按时足额缴纳社会保险费,非因不可抗力等法定事由不得缓缴、减免。职工应当缴纳的社会保险费由用人单位代扣代缴,用人单位应当按月将缴纳社会保险费的明细情况告知本人。


   第六十一条 社会保险费征收机构应当依法按时足额征收社会保险费,并将缴费情况定期告知用人单位和个人。

   第六十二条 用人单位未按规定申报应当缴纳的社会保险费数额的,按照该单位上月缴费额的百分之一百一十确定应当缴纳数额;缴费单位补办申报手续后,由社会保险费征收机构按照规定结算。

  安检员面试英文求职信 小编:啊南 102阅读 2020.01.19

Dear manager


Hello, my name is XXX. I graduated from XX College of Guangdong Province, majoring in management. It has been 2 years since now. Yesterday, I read the newspaper and saw that your company is looking for a security inspector, so I wrote this letter of recommendation, hoping to work in your company


In the past two years, I have been working in a Korean funded enterprise to reserve the position of cadre. In the past two years, my main task is actually to train the workers in the factory, such as the training of fire safety knowledge, the training of safety problems of electrical machinery and equipment in the factory, the training of food safety, and the training of mental health. When I graduated from the factory, I I dont understand it. I learned it through my own study. So, its very hard to take over these things at the beginning. Sometimes its even for a training course tomorrow. Its normal to organize the materials to 2 or 3 oclock in the evening. Now, two years later, I can recite the knowledge of consumption safety, diet, Sina and traffic safety.


Finally, I hope the manager can give me a chance to work in your factory once after reading this application letter of security inspector that I wrot.


Its my pleasure to train the employees of the factory.


Sponsor: XX


XX, 20XX